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Conservez une chevelure de rêve pendant tout l’été !

Keep dream hair throughout the summer!

Not always easy to take care of your hair when the sun and the heat get involved. Here are some tips for keeping a dazzling mane in all circumstances.

Protect instead of repairing

Summer holidays are the ideal time to relax ... provided you avoid unpleasant surprises on return! Because the sun, the sand or even salt water will not mix well with long hair, especially if you wear extensions (more fragile than natural hair). To sunbathe in peace, remember to pamper your mane before your departure, by regularly performing moisturizers. You can also take food supplements that will strengthen the health of your hair: ask your pharmacist for advice to find the formula best suited to your needs.

Trick : Replace your usual shampoo with a soft shampoo. However, avoid babies' products, not suitable for adult -outdoor leathers.


Opt for sugar spray

Less known than salt spray, sugar spray has an undeniable advantage compared to its predecessor: it does not dry out the hair fiber. So you can use it all summer to give volume and shine to your hair before going out: a few spray strokes before you style and voila! Just avoid applying your treatment in too large quantities near the skull, or stuck heads.

Trick : A small budget? Make your own spray by mixing a square of white sugar with water in a bowl. Simply heat your concoction until the sugar is dissolved, let cool and pour everything into a vaporizer.



And for dream hair this summer think of our Hair extensions. Easy to remove and put the Clip extensions where the Adhesive extensions will be perfect for feeling fabulous in a jersey while taking advantage of the sea or the pool.