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Donner un second souffle à vos extensions

Give a second to your extensions

Do you want to make your extensions last as long as possible? Discover our advice.

Pamper your additions regularly

Unlike your own hair, hair extensions are more fragile and will need to be replaced regularly (every three to six months depending on the frequency to which you carry it). To offer them a lifespan as long as possible, remember to pamper them regularly by delicately brushing them and applying moisturizing care or oils. To do this for patience and regularity: a good hair routine will be your best ally to preserve your new mane.


Use suitable care

If you notice that your lengths are starting to wear out, do not panic: it is not inevitable. Indeed, you can give a second life to your hair extensions thanks to an adapted care routine. To do this, do you bring a good shampoo and a very damaged hair by hair (if possible without silicones) that you will use each time you wash your additions. Then apply a hydrating mask that you will leave at least one half an hour.

Trick : During the day you can also feed your tips using a nourishing serum. Beware, however, of too fatty care, especially if you wear weaving: this may increase your hairstyle for a very unsightly effect.


Take care of detangling

Even if good detangling is an essential step in your hair routine, it is even more important when your extensions are at the end of life. To style your hair, therefore pass a hint of disentangling balm in your hair and brush them gently using a soft bristle brush. If you come across nodes do not shoot or beware! Keep your calm instead gently pass your fingers until it overcome it.


For extensions that last, also think of our Tape extension or our clip extension that you can remove and restore in all ease.


And to go further, discover some tips in video: