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Vous coiffer lorsque vous êtes pressée

You style you when you are in a hurry

Not always easy to reconcile metro, job, dodo and impeccable hairstyle. Here are some suggestions that will save you the days of awakening breakdowns.

The half twisted tail

Perfect for long hair, this easiest hairstyle will only take a few seconds to do, while immediately giving you a very glamorous look. To do this, enter two fairly long wicks, on each side of your skull. Turn them several times on themselves and tie them to the back of your head using an elastic or pliers. And now, voila !

Trick : You can also replace the twists with two small braids or attach them to the side for an asymmetrical hairstyle. It all depends on your desires and your imagination.


Bobby Pins

The bobby pines are these fine pliers that you will find in any hairdressing department. Practical to fix your hair, they can also be used as a real fashion accessory. You can therefore fix them on a bangs, wick or back of a bun to add a trendy touch to your look.

Trick : Parallels, crossed, in triangle ... Bobby Pins can be positioned in many ways. So do not hesitate to test different alternatives to find the one that will suit you best.


As well achievable on short hair and long hair, the half buns (or macaroons) will give you a retro and original look in a few seconds. To make them, nothing could be simpler: separate your hair into two parts and form two small buns that you will tie at the top of your skull. You are ready!


And for fabulous hair in all circumstances, think of our hair extension. That you want an ephemeral length with our clip extension or a lasting length with our cold extension We have what you need !