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Donnez du volume à votre chevelure

Give volume to your hair

This year, finished fine hair and Raplapla: thanks to its few tips you will get a very dense mane in all ease.

Opt for hair -free hair products

Often present in shampoos, silicone is a real scourge for the hair which it increases and damages in the long term (note that it is also harmful for keratin extensions of which it can weaken glue points). So check that your styling products do not contain chemicals ending in -cone, -thiconol and -xane (examples: dimethiconol) and replace the if necessary.

Trick : Do not hesitate to turn to low poo products (conditioner or washing creams) perfect for washing your hair gently.


Take care of your diet

And yes, beautiful hair is also maintaining by watching your plate! To bring more volume to your hair bet on a cure of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium. You will find them in foods such as meat, fish, dried fruits, bananas etc. Perfect for filling up with energy during the winter!


Dry your hair down down

To quickly bring volume to your mane, nothing like a small dry head down. Preferably use the breath of life from your hair dryer and peel off your roots using your fingers to accentuate the result.



Prepare your densifying house care

There are many hair products to inflate Raplapla hair. However, you can also concoct your own special volume care by mixing kachur powder with boiling water. Apply the dough like a mask, leave a few minutes to rinse abundantly.

If you have more time in front of you, you can also make a more elaborate mask according to the following recipe:


And to gain volume in the blink of an eye also think of our hair extension. Easy to put and remove our Keratine extension or our Tape extension can be placed directly at home, for a breathtaking result.